Research Article

Comparative Chemistry of Propolis from Eight Brazilian Localities

Table 1

Contents of total phenols and flavonoids of samples of Brazilian propolis from localities in the states of Paraná (PR, south), São Paulo (SP, southeast), Minas Gerais (MG, southeast), Goiás (GO, Central Brazil), Bahia (BA, northeast), and Piauí (PI, central north).

SamplesTotal phenols (%) Flavonoids contents (%)Total flavonoids (%)
DNP methodAlCl3 method

Pirenópolis (GO)
Cabo Verde (BA)
Bauru (SP)
Ponta Grossa (PR)
Lavras (MG)
Picos (PI)
Pariquera-Açu (SP)
Mira Bela (MG)