Research Article

Rhodiola crenulata and Its Bioactive Components, Salidroside and Tyrosol, Reverse the Hypoxia-Induced Reduction of Plasma-Membrane-Associated Na,K-ATPase Expression via Inhibition of ROS-AMPK-PKCξ Pathway

Figure 2

RCE, salidroside, and tyrosol significantly attenuate the hypoxia-induced generation of intracellular ROS and show no cytotoxicity in A549 cells. The cells were preincubated with the indicated concentrations of RCE, salidroside, and tyrosol for 30 min before hypoxic exposure (1% O2) for 24 h. The intracellular ROS was measured via the DCFH-DA (10 mM) fluorescence method ((a), (b), and (c)). The cell viability under hypoxia in the presence or absence of Rhodiola products was examined using a CCK-8 reagent kit ((d), (e), and (f)). The concentration units of RCE, salidroside, and tyrosol are μg/mL and μM, respectively. NAC (10 μM) served as a positive control. The results represent the mean ± SEM of six independent experiments. ; ; versus control; ; ; versus hypoxia (H).