Review Article

Therapeutic Applications of Herbal Medicines for Cancer Patients

Table 1

Clinical use of herbal medicines exhibiting anticancer activities.

Herbal medicineSuppressive effects on carcinogenesis and cancer metastasisReferences

For breast cancer
Vitamin A (fenretinide)200 mg/day significantly reduces the recurrence of local breast cancer in premenopausal women[4]
Vitamin ELeads to malabsorption or maldigestion in cancer patients; balanced and healthy diet[5, 6]
Isoflavone To reduce risk of breast cancer[10]
Isoflavones genistein and daidzeinTo confer weak estrogenic effects[11]
Alkaloids Inhibition of cancer cell growth[13, 14]
CoumarinsInhibition of cancer cell growth[15, 16]
Flavonoids and polyphenolsAntiproliferation [17, 18]
TerpenoidsMCF-7 cell apoptosis[19]
QuinoneTo induce G2-M arrest and autophagy by inhibiting the AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin pathway in breast cancer cells[20]
ArtemisunateDecrease the proliferation of human breast cancer cells from expressing a high ERα : ERβ ratio[21]

For prostate cancer
Vitamins A-D and retinoidMaintain homeostasis and prevent various metabolic disorders[23]
Vitamin EReduce the risk of lethal or advanced prostate cancer relative to nonusers[30]
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)Arrest LNCaP and DU145 prostate cancer cells at the G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle[34]
Inhibit metalloproteinase in vitro [35]
Soy isoflavonesInhibit 5α-reductase activity[37]
Chemopreventive activities[22]
Scutellaria baicalensis (baicalin)Inhibit enzymatic synthesis of eicosanoids[38]
BaicaleinImpair the proliferation of androgen-independent PC-3 and DU145 prostate cancer cells in culture[39]
Induces cell-cycle arrest at the G0-G1 phase[39]
Induces apoptosis of prostate cancer cells at concentrations achievable in humans[40]
Suppresses the expression of specific androgen receptor in prostate cancer[40]
LycopenesDecreases prostate cancer risk [41]
Diminishes oxidative damage in lymphocytes [42]
Significantly decreases levels of PSA and less oxidative damage[42]
PC-SPESDecreases serum testosterone concentrations ( ); decreases serum concentrations of prostate-specific antigen[43]
Antitumor efficacy against cancer cell lines[44]
Wedelia chinensis (Asteraceae)Inhibits the androgen receptor (AR) signaling pathway[47]

For lung cancer
Platycodon grandiflorum (Campanulaceae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients[4951]
Morus alba (Moraceae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients
Prunus armeniaca (Rosaceae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients
Rhus verniciflua (Anacardiaceae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients
Perilla frutescens (Labiatae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients
Stemona japonica (Stemonaceae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients
Tussilago farfara (Compositae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients
Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae)Anticancer effect in lung cancer patients

For liver fibrosis and cancer
Inchin-ko-to (TJ-135)Preventive effect on liver fibrosis[53]
Yi Guan Jian (YGJ)[53]
Yi Guan Jian (YGJ)[54]
Fufang-Liu-Yue-Qing [55]
Danggui Buxue Tang (DBT)[56]
Salvianolic acid B
Curcumin Suppressive effect on hepatic fibrogenesis and carcinogenesis [57]
Compound 861Suppressive effect on hepatic fibrogenesis [58, 59]
Sho saiko-to (TJ-9)Reduces/limits the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma[60]

For pancreatic cancer
GDC-0449, IPI-926, XL-139 and PF-04449913SMO antagonists; deregulation of sonic hedgehog homology (SHH)[61]
CyclopamineInhibit SHH signaling by directly binding to the 7-helix bundle of the SMO protein; arrest the growth of pancreatic tumors[62]
Weakens the recruitment of BMPCs into cancer cells and reduces the formation of tumor vasculature[63]
The cancerous vascular system becomes unstable after treatment with cyclopamine due to the expression of angiopoietin-1[63]