Research Article

The Possible Neuronal Mechanism of Acupuncture: Morphological Evidence of the Neuronal Connection between Groin A-Shi Point and Uterus

Table 1

Fos expression neurons in supraspinal area between saline and bee venom injection groups.

c-fos expression neurons in supraspinal area SalineBee venom

   Paratenial thalamic nucleus (PT)
  Precommissural nucleus (PrC)
  Rhomboid thalamic nucleus (Rh)
  Reuniens thalamic nucleus (Re)
  Pretectal nucleus
  Lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus (LD)
  Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD)
  Paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PV)
  Lateral habenular nucleus (LHb)
  Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus (LP)
  Lateral geniculate nucleus (LG)
  Suprageniculate thalamic nucleus (SG)
  Medial preoptic area (MPA)
  Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCh)
  Arcuate nucleus (Arc)
  Supramammillary nucleus (SuM)
  Lateral mammillary nucleus (LM)
  Supraoptic nucleus (SO)
  Lateral hypothalamic area (LH)
  Premammillary nucleus (PM)
  Posterior hypothalamic area (PH)
  Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH)
  Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DM)
  Anterior hypothalamic area (AHC)
  Lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus (LA)
  Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN)
  Anterodorsal preoptic nucleus (ADP)
 Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EW)
 Paranigral nucleus (PN)
 Interfascicular nucleus (IF)
 Parabrachial nucleus (PB)
 Dorsal raphe nucleus ventrolateral part (DRVL)
 Dorsal raphe nucleus (DR)
 Pontine nuclei (Pn)
 Nucleus of lateral lemniscus (LL)
 Locus coeruleus (LC)
 Prepositus nucleus (Pr)
 Area postrema (AP)
 Gigantocellular reticular nucleus (Gi)
 Raphe magnus nucleus (RMg)
 Raphe pallidus nucleus (RPa)
 Medial vestibular nucleus (MVe)
 Inferior olivary nucleus (IO)
 Caudoventrolateral reticular nucleus (CVL)
 Nucleus of solitary tract (NTS)

*Significant difference between saline and bee venom injection groups, .