Research Article

Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

Table 3

Lifetime prevalence of overall CAM use among patients with ESRD on MHD by patient characteristics (%)a.

No CAM use Any CAM use

Percentage of all patients3961
Age (years)b
 ≥80 207
Dialysis vintage (years)
Principal ESRD diagnosis
 Diabetes mellitus4961
 Hypertension 209
Employment status( )( )
 Employed full or part time1218
Education level( )( )
 Postgraduate degree712
 College degree415
 Vocational or high school degree7061
 Grade school or lower1912
BMI SD ( ) ( )

CAM: complementary and alternative medicine; ESRD: end-stage renal disease; MHD: maintenance hemodialysis; HIVAN: HIV-associated nephropathy; and BMI SD: body mass index standard deviation.
aFigures are percentages of patients based on the number ( ) in each group.
bWithin group differences significant between any CAM use or CAM modality and no CAM use with P < 0.05 by Fisher’s exact test.