Research Article

Classification and Progression Based on CFS-GA and C5.0 Boost Decision Tree of TCM Zheng in Chronic Hepatitis B

Table 4

The differences of the critical lab indicators in the zheng progression of CHB.

HBsAg IU/mLEosinophil 109/LLDL-C mmol/L

A zheng
B zheng
C zheng

HBsAg: hepatitis B surficial antigen; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The values were expressed as mean ± S. E. M. The mean of HBsAg in C zheng had a significant difference when compared with B zheng with P < 0.05; the mean of LDL-C in C zheng had a significant difference when compared with A zheng with P < 0.05, and the means of Eosinophil had no significant difference between B zheng and C zheng (P > 0.05).