Research Article

Autonomic Nervous System Mediates the Hypotensive Effects of Aqueous and Residual Methanolic Extracts of Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp. var. polyanthum Leaves in Anaesthetized Rats

Figure 5

Effects of autonomic ganglion receptors’ blockages on changes in (a) MAP, (b) SBP, (c) DBP, and (d) heart rate by various treatments in WKY rats ( ). Hexa: 10 mg/kg hexamethonium bromide, ΔMAP/SBP/DBP/HR: changes of MAP/SBP/DBP/HR from baseline (expressed as mean percentage ± SD), AESP: aqueous extract of S. polyanthum leaves, met-AESP: residual methanolic extract of S. polyanthum leaves, WKY: Wistar-Kyoto rats, SHR: spontaneously hypertensive rats. * and ** .