Research Article

Influence of the Deqi Sensation by Suspended Moxibustion Stimulation in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Study for a Multicenter Prospective Two Arms Cohort Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of LDH patients.

ItemsTrial group Control group value

Age, mean (SD), years45.65 (10.58)44.51 (11.46)0.62
Age > 60 year (%)12 (26.67%)14 (31.11%)0.64
Sex (%)0.0001
 Male11 (24.44%)30 (66.67%)
 Female34 (75.56%)15 (33.33%)
Duration of low back pain (%) 0.0001
 <1 months5 (11.11%)10 (22.22%)
 2–6 months13 (28.89%)12 (26.67%)
 7–12 months6 (27.67%)12 (26.67%)
 1–5 years19 (42.22%)5 (11.11%)
 >5 years2 (4.44%)6 (13.33%)
BMI, mean (SD), kg/m′25.23 (3.12)23.24 (3.23)0.003
Modified-JOA grade (%)0.21
 Severe30 (66.67%)24 (53.33%)
 Moderate15 (33.33%)21 (46.67%)
Modified-JOA score at baseline
 Total score mean (SD)15.23 (4.41)17.54 (4.57)0.006

BMI: body mass index; Modified-JOA score: modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association score; SD: standard deviation; LDH: lumbar disc herniation.