Research Article

Aspects of Spirituality in Medical Doctors and Their Relation to Specific Views of Illness and Dealing with Their Patients' Individual Situation

Table 4

Intercorrelations of aspects of spirituality in medical doctors.

Religious orientationQuest orientationAspiring beauty/wisdomConscious interactionsCompassion/generosityTranscendence conviction

Aspects of spirituality
Religious orientation.473**.486**.169**.291**.743**
Quest orientation.693**.449**.424**.557**
Aspiring beauty/insight.365**.402**.515**
Conscious interactions.531**.291**

Life satisfaction (Sum Score) .139.083.230**.271**.126.040

Illness as a meaningless interruption (sum score) −.304**−.332**−.259**−.399**−.381**−.406**

Meaning of illness
Item SK1 “whether a patient my see any meaning in illness and life or not is not of importance for the process of recovery”−.185**−.179**−.123−.273**−.280**−.189**
Item SK2 “to me it is completely incomprehensible that illness may have a biographical meaning in life of man”−.237**−.262**−.240**−.347**−.361**−.292**
Item SK3 “illness is nothing more than a meaningless interruption of life’s course”−.258**−.376**−.301**−.387**−.392**−.409**
Item SK4 “illness prevents patients’ individual development”−.314**−.395**−.334**−.386**−.375**−.461**
Item SK5 reverse “illness is a chance to deal more consciously with life”−.223**−.254**−.178**−.279**−.240**−.290**

Dealing with patients’ individual situation
Item SK9 “I have no time to busy myself with patients’ individual situation”−.035−.087−.112−.156−.060−.027
Item SK10 “If I had also to deal with patients’ individual situation, it would unnecessarily cost time and nerves”−.084−.200**−.184**−.332**−.225**−.153
Item SK6 “whether a patient may understand the profound causes of illness or not, is irrelevant for the process of recovery”−.088−.251**−.128−.213**−.256**−.123
Item SK8 “often it is simply a matter of fate or chance whether a patient becomes healthy again or not.” .154−.031.046−.123−.159.046
Item ÄS18 “for diagnosis and finding an adequate treatment, patients’ own opinion about what may have caused their illness is not of importance” −.204**−.210**−.134−.237**−.183**−.160

(Spearman rho).