Research Article

Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis “Yang-Xu Zheng”: Significant Prognostic Predictor for Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock

Table 6

APACHE II score and host reactive cytokine levels between septic patients with and without Yang-Xu Zheng.

Yang-Xu Zheng
( )
Yang-Xu Zheng
( )

Severity scoring
 APACHE II <0.01
Host reactive cytokine
 TNF-α a <0.01
 IL-6a <0.01
 IL-8a <0.01
 IL-10a <0.01
 IL-18a <0.01

APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II.
Continuous data are presented as Mean ± SD.
Values have been calculated using Mann-Whitney test.
TNF: tumor necrosis factor.
IL: interleukin.
aBased on log transformed values (pg/mL).
statistically significant.
NS: not significant.