Research Article

Xuebijing Protects Rats from Sepsis Challenged with Acinetobacter baumannii by Promoting Annexin A1 Expression and Inhibiting Proinflammatory Cytokines Secretion

Figure 4

Expression level of annexin A1 protein in neutrophils determined by western blotting analysis. Representative western blotting photographs of the normal-control, sepsis-control, and sepsis + XBJ groups for the indicated time points were shown above. The equal loading of proteins was illustrated by the β-actin bands and bar graphs were obtained by densitometry of annexin A1/actin band densities. Data represented the mean ± SD of 6 rats examined for each group. , compared with the sepsis-control group at the same time point; , compared with the sepsis-control group at 6 hours after injection; and , compared with the sepsis + XBJ group at 6 or 12 hours after injection.