Review Article

Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine for Hypertension

Table 1

Recommended treatment program of hypertension by Chinese herbal formulas.

SyndromeClinical signsTreatment principlesClassical formula

Fire syndrome
Liver fire syndromeVertigo, headache, facial flushing with perspiration, conjunctival congestion, bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, irritability and restlessness, wiry-rapid-powerful pulse or powerful cunkou pulse alone, or wiry and long pulse even well beyond the cunkou pulseCalming liver and suppressing liveryang hyperactivityTianma Gouteng decoction, Zhengan Xifeng decoction, Jianling decoction, and Longdan Xiegan decoction
Heart fire syndromeFacial flushing with perspiration, bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, insomnia, red tip of the tongue, and rapid pulseClearing heart fireZhi-zi-chi decoction, Sanhuang Xiexin decoction, and Huanglian Jiedu decoction
Stomach fire syndrome and intestine fire syndromeDry mouth, thirst with desire for cold drinks, easy to starve, foul breath, abdominal distension and pain, smelly stool, constipation, red tongue, yellow dry fur, right guan pulse powerful alone, or strength and deep-hidden-powerful pulseClearing stomach-intestine fire, promoting digestion, relaxing bowels, and relieving constipationDa Chai Hu decoction, Baohe pill, Baihu decoction, Houpu Dahuang decoction, Gegen Qinlian decoction, and Zeng Ye decoction

Phlegm-fluid retention syndrome
Phlegm and dampness syndromeObesity, dizziness, sticky mouth, thirst without a desire to drink, chest distress, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distension, loose stools, sleepiness, greasy tongue coating, and slippery pulseDispelling phlegm and eliminating dampnessErchen decoction, Pingwei powder, Wendan decoction, Banxia Baizhu Tianma decoction, and Xiao Xianxiong decoction
Fluid retention syndromeDizziness aggravated by change in body position, thirst without a desire to drink or not being thirsty, chest distress, palpitation, gastric distension, abdominal distension, poor appetite, lumbar heaviness, weakness and heaviness in the lower extremities, edema, daytime sleepiness, abnormal leucorrhea, dysuria, greasy fur, swollen tongue, and deep pulseDissipating excessive fluidBanxia baizhu tianma decoction, Wuling powder, Zhuling decoction, Zexie decoction, and Fuling Guizhi Baizhu Gancao decoction

Deficiency syndrome
Spleen deficiency syndromeFatigue, shortness of breath, stomach pain, poor appetite, abdominal distension, and loose stoolsReinforcing spleenFuling Guizhi Baizhu Gancao decoction, Si jun Zi decoction, and Liu Jun Zi decoction
Kidney deficiency syndromeTiredness in the loins and legs, tinnitus and dizziness, sexual dysfunction, dysuria, weakness and fatigue, and weak chi pulseReinforcing kidneyLiuwei Dihuang pill and Shenqi pill

Each CHM under the classical formula is composed of multiple herbs.