Research Article

The Effect of Optimally Timed Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Length of Hospital Stay in Moderate and Late Preterm Infants: Results from a RCT

Table 5

Results of ordinary least square regression for cost estimates.

Costs (2012€)
Estimate95% CI value

Gender375.67 −208.89–960.240.21
Gestational age159.93−46.45–366.310.12
Birth weight (gr.)−0.62−1.36–0.120.10
OMT time frame102.0914.30–189.870.02
DRG-388 (R.C.)111

LOS = length of stay; OMT = osteopathic manipulative treatment; R.C. = reference category. DRG-388 = diagnosis related groups, prematurity without major complications; DRG-387 = diagnosis related groups, prematurity with major complications; DRG-386 = diagnosis related groups, prematurity with respiratory distress syndrome.