Research Article

A Double Blind Clinical Trial on the Efficacy of Honey Drop in Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis

Table 1

The mean of eye pressure in two groups.

Involvement eyeStepsExperimentalControl Sig.*

Right Before 13.03 (1.69)13.27 (2.24)0.651
After 14 (1.36)16.43 (2.20)0.001

Left Before 13.27 (1.33)13.10 (2.32)0.735
After 14.30 (1.26)16.77 (2.30)0.001

Between two groups sig. Independent -test was used.
**Before and after sig. Paired -test was used.
The redness in both left and right eyes was improved in patients of group 1 who received honey drop compared to control group (Table 2).