Review Article

Adverse Events of Auricular Therapy: A Systematic Review

Table 3

Selected searching strategies for the systematic review.

IDSearching strategiesRecords

#1“auriculotherapy”[MeSH Terms] OR “acupuncture, ear”[MeSH Terms] 264
#2((((((((((((((((((auriculotherap*[Title/Abstract]) OR (acupunctur*[Title/Abstract] AND ear*[Title/Abstract])) OR (acupunctur*[Title/Abstract] AND auricu*[Title/Abstract])) OR (acupressur*[Title/Abstract] AND ear*[Title/Abstract])) OR (acupressur*[Title/Abstract] AND auricu*[Title/Abstract])) OR (auricu*[Title/Abstract] AND poin*[Title/Abstract])) OR (ear[Title/Abstract] AND poin*[Title/Abstract])) OR (auricu*[Title/Abstract] AND acupoin*[Title/Abstract])) OR (ear[Title/Abstract] AND acupoin*[Title/Abstract])) OR (auricu*[Title/Abstract] AND plaster*[Title/Abstract])) OR (massag*[Title/Abstract] AND ear*[Title/Abstract])) OR (ear[Title/Abstract] AND plaster*[Title/Abstract])) OR (massag*[Title/Abstract] AND auricu*[Title/Abstract])) OR (magne*[Title/Abstract] AND ear*[Title/Abstract])) OR (magne*[Title/Abstract] AND auricu*[Title/Abstract])) OR otopoin*[Title/Abstract]) OR vaccaria*[Title/Abstract]) OR erxue[Title/Abstract]35299
#3#1 OR #235338
#4 ((((((“adverse event*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “adverse effect*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “adverse reaction*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “side effect*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “complication*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “safe*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “risk*”[Title/Abstract] 1608414
#5#3 AND #4 4284

#1auriculotherap*:ab,ti OR (ear NEAR/3 acupunctur*):ab,ti OR (auricu* NEAR/3 acupunctur*):ab,ti OR (ear NEAR/3 acupressur*):ab,ti OR (auricu*NEAR/3 acupressur*):ab,ti OR (auricu* NEAR/3 poin*):ab,ti OR ‘auricular plaster’:ab,ti OR (ear NEAR/3 plaster*):ab,ti OR (ear NEAR/3 poin*):ab,ti OR (auricu* NEAR/3 acupoint*):ab,ti OR (ear NEAR/3 acupoint*):ab,ti OR otopoin*:ab,ti OR (vaccaria* NEAR/15 ear*):ab,ti OR (vaccaria* NEAR/15 auricu*):ab,ti OR (massag* NEAR/3 auricu*):ab,ti OR (massag* NEAR/3 ear*):ab,ti OR (cowherb NEAR/15 ear*):ab,ti OR (cowherb NEAR/15 auricu*):ab,ti OR (magne* NEAR/15 ear*):ab,ti OR (magne* NEAR/15 auricu*):ab,ti OR erxue*:ab,ti9599
#2(adverse NEAR/3 event*):ab,ti OR (adverse NEAR/3 effect*):ab,ti OR (adverse NEAR/3 reaction*):ab,ti OR (side NEAR/3 effect*):ab,ti OR complication*:ab,ti OR safe*:ab,ti OR risk*:ab,ti 3092250
#3#1 AND #21688

#1MeSH descriptor: [Auriculotherapy] explode all trees 126
#2MeSH descriptor: [Acupuncture, Ear] explode all trees 120
#3auriculotherap* or (ear near/3 acupunctur*) or (auricu* near/3 acupunctur*) or (ear near/3 acupressur*) or (auricu* near/3 acupressur*) or (auricu* near/3 poin*) or (ear near/3 poin*) or (ear near/3 plaster*) or (auricu* near/3 plaster*) or (auricu* near/3 acupoint*) or (ear near/3 acupoint*) or otopoint* or (vaccaria* near/15 ear) or (vaccaria* near/15 auricu*) or (cowherb near/15 ear*) or (cowherb near/15 auricu*) or (magne* near/15 ear*) or (magne* near/15 auricu*) or (massag* near/3 ear*) or (massag* near/3 auricu*) or erxue*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) 864
#4#1 OR #2 OR #3 864
#5complication* or (adverse near/3 event*) or (adverse near/3 effect*) or (adverse near/3 reaction*) or (side near/3 effect*) or safe* or risk*: ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) 240648
#6#4 AND #5 182
#7#6 in Trials 158