Research Article

Acupoint Application in Patients with Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris: Study Protocol of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial

Table 2

Study Schedule.

ScreeningBaseline (randomization)TreatmentFollow up

Informed consent×
In/exclusion criteria ×
Vital signs×××
Medical history×
Concomitant disease/medication××××
Diary card distributed/review××××
Total frequency of angina attack×××
VAS scoring×××
Consumption of nitroglycerin or Suxiao Jiuxin dropping pills ×××
CCS angina class×××
SAQ scoring×××
SAS and SDS scoring×××
Blood, urine, and stool tests×
Blood glucose and lipid tests×
Liver and renal function tests×
Reasons to withdrawal××
Safety evaluation××

CCS = the Canadian Cardiovascular Society; SAQ = Seattle Angina Questionnaire; SAS = self-rating anxiety scale; SDS = self-rating depression scale; VAS = visual analogue scale; ECG = electrocardiograph; and AEs = adverse events.