Review Article

Transforming Pain into Beauty: On Art, Healing, and Care for the Spirit

Box 2

Reimagining the Stairwell.
The patients sitting in the outpatient hematology clinic, receiving their infusions of
chemotherapy, are in a “caesura” of their life, a great rupture. Sitting next to one patient,
the spiritual caregiver suggested using the image of the steps rising from the hospital
lobby to the clinic for some “reframing.” The patients sitting in their easy chairs would
speak about a serious step down in their lives, as fears, anger, and a sense of
powerlessness piled up. It's a paradoxical feeling—they are physically climbing up the
stairs but metaphorically going down into the depths of their deaths.
Her suggestion was to decorate the steps with colorful wallpaper and jointly to create a
picture composed of colorful strips that each patient would make separately. After the
supplies had been distributed, and the patients began designing, cutting, and pasting, they
were no longer gazing at the slow drip of the chemotherapy or getting angry at the staff if
there is a delay. They were lost in the act of creation. The conversation returned to the
stairs—the experience of climbing the stairs up into the clinic had changed, for they have created new stairs.
The spiritual caregiver shared with the patients how many of the Psalms begin “A Song of
Ascents”—a song of stairs. And together they began to sing one of those Psalms, Psalm
121: “A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where will my help come?” Now
the tears can turn into dancing, and the terrifying clinic stairs into stairs of ascent. Even in this place, song is possible.
The Psalm continues, “The Lord is your guardian, the Lord is your protection at your right
hand.” I ask the patients what protects over them, and what their fear is. The Psalm
concludes, “The Lord will guard your going and your coming, now and forever.” The
spiritual caregiver asked the patients, What blessing are you receiving with the conclusion
of your treatment? What is your prayer for the path forward?
And a room of strangers has been transformed into a small band of people who have come
to truly see one another and offer each other blessings.