Research Article

Multifunctional Effects of Mangosteen Pericarp on Cognition in C57BL/6J and Triple Transgenic Alzheimer’s Mice

Figure 2

MP diet attenuated the impairments in spatial learning and memory in older B6 mice. (a) The spatial learning ability of B6 mice at different ages and with dietary supplementation. The older B6 mice showed a poor spatial learning ability as compared with the younger mice, and MP dietary supplementation had no influence on the improvement of spatial learning ability. (b) The spatial learning acquisition of B6 mice at different ages and with dietary supplementation. The MP diet increased the spatial learning acquisition in the older B6 mice. (c) The short-term memory retrieval in mice measured 2 h after the last testing trial. The older B6 mice showed impairment in short-term memory retrieval, and MP dietary supplementation attenuated the impairment in the older B6 mice. (d) The long-term memory retrieval in mice measured 48 h after the last testing trial. The older B6 mice showed impairment in long-term memory retrieval, and MP dietary supplementation showed no influence on the impairment. (e) The swimming velocity of the B6 mice at different ages. The decreased swimming velocity of the older B6 mice was rescued by the MP diet. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM, /group. # and ###, comparison between the older and younger groups. , , and , comparison between the regular and MP diet groups.