Research Article

Anatomo-Functional Correlation between Head Zones and Acupuncture Channels and Points: A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of Neural Therapy

Table 4

Acupuncture points, anatomo-functionally related to stomach, liver, gallbladder, and bowels Head zones.

Head zones Acupuncture points

StomachAbdomen: St20, St21, St25, K16, K19, K20, Ren12, and Ren13
Back: B19, B21, B22, B48, and B51

Liver-GallbladderAbdomen: St19, St22–St24, Sp16, L13, L14, Gb24, Gb26, K17, Ren9 to Ren11, and Ren14 to Ren16
Back: B16 to B18, B21, B22, B47, B50, and Du6 to Du9

BowelsAbdomen: St26, St27, St28, Sp13 to Sp15, K4, K13 to K15, L13, Ren4, Ren5, Ren6, and Gb25
Back: B21, B22 to B25, B33, B34, B35, B52, Du4, and Du5
Perineal: Du1, Ren1
Lower limb: B36, B37, B38, B40, B56, B57