Research Article

Protective Effect of Solanum nigrum Leaves Extract on Immobilization Stress Induced Changes in Rat’s Brain

Table 1

GroupsSOD (U/mg protein)GST (U/mg protein)CAT (U/mg protein)MDA (nmol/mg protein)GSH (mmol/mg protein)

Control (5)
Stressed (5)
Crude extract (5)
Alkaloid fraction (5)
Pre-stressed-alkaloid treatment (5)
Post-stressed-alkaloid treatment (5)
Flavonoid (5)
Pre-stressed-flavonoid treatment (5)
Post-stressed-flavonoid treatment (5)

The number of experimental rats is indicated in the parenthesis. a , b , c , d , as compared with control rats. a′ , b′ , c′ , d′ , as compared with stress alone.