Research Article

Evaluation of an Epitypified Ophiocordyceps formosana (Cordyceps s.l.) for Its Pharmacological Potential

Figure 2

Phylogenetic tree of Cordyceps s.l. Phylogenetic cladogram of Cordyceps s.l. showing the three newly created families, Clavicipitaceae s.s., Cordycipitaceae, and Ophiocordycipitaceae, as inferred by the maximum likelihood (ML) method and Bayesian inference of the phylogeny using three concatenated genes (RPB1, RPB2, and EF1-α). The bootstrap support values are denoted on the branches in front of the posterior probabilities. The underlined Ophiocordyceps formosana NTU 00035 and MUCHO 815 samples were collected from Taiwan in this study.