Research Article

Randomized Clinical Trial of the Innovative Bilayered Wound Dressing Made of Silk and Gelatin: Safety and Efficacy Tests Using a Split-Thickness Skin Graft Model

Table 2

Erythema and melanin levels of healthy volunteers’ skin at the beginning phase, induction phase I, induction phase II, and challenge phase.

Beginning phaseInduction phase IInduction phase IIChallenge phase

Erythema level
Bactigras233.57 ± 81.96218.93 ± 78.44217.31 ± 78.49219.45 ± 75.60
Bilayered wound dressing243.70 ± 85.09233.17 ± 83.47230.86 ± 82.75231.82 ± 79.91

Melanin level
Bactigras226.47 ± 97.65216.22 ± 95.03216.30 ± 95.13216.28 ± 95.09
Bilayered wound dressing234.89 ± 101.84224.64 ± 100.17224.69 ± 99.93224.64 ± 99.97

Significant differences ( versus beginning phase), calculated by repeated measures ANOVA.