Research Article

Loving-Kindness Meditation to Target Affect in Mood Disorders: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Table 2

Mean summary scores and effect sizes of Study 1 ().

OutcomePretreatmentPosttreatment (9)

 Positive22.40 9.28 35.90 7.22 −4.53 0.0011.63
 Negative30.90 6.38 18.10 6.52 4.51 0.0011.98
BDI-II21.70 6.90 3.80 3.22 9.22 <0.0013.33
 Joy20.50 8.58 28.90 5.86 −4.73 0.0011.14
 Contentment14.80 6.99 23.20 6.92 −3.61 0.0031.21
 Love21.40 3.66 26.80 3.33 −3.52 0.0031.55
 Pride18.70 5.19 26.00 6.73 −3.63 0.0031.22
 Amusement18.00 4.74 22.20 5.65 −2.33 0.0220.81
 Awe23.22 8.11 32.22 6.85 −3.19 0.0061.20
 Compassion25.00 5.64 29.40 5.52 −2.15 0.0300.79
RRS64.20 13.13 44.30 13.12 4.02 0.0021.52

Note. Means (M), standard deviations (SD), -test values (), and Cohen’s effect size . The sample size is ; PANAS = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory-II; DPES = Differential Positive Emotions Scale; RRS = Rumination Response Scale.