Research Article

Monitoring the Effects of Acupoint Antioxidant Intervention by Measuring Electrical Potential Difference along the Meridian

Table 1

EPD detection acupoints of ST and their anatomical positions.


ST36: ZusanliOn the anterior lateral side of the leg, 3 Cun below ST35 Dubi*, one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the tibia
ST37: ShangjuxuOn the anterolateral side of the leg, 6 Cun below ST35 Dubi, one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the tibia
ST39: XiajuxuOn the anterolateral side of the leg, 9 Cun below ST35 Dubi, one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the tibia
ST42: ChongyangOn the dome of the instep of the foot, between the tendons of the long extensor muscle of the big toe and the long extensor muscle of the toes, where the pulsation of the dorsal artery of the foot is palpable
ST44: NeitingOn the instep of the foot, in the depression distal to the commissure of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones

Location of ST35 Dubi: with the knee flexed, on the knee, in the depression lateral to the patella and its ligament.