Research Article

Discovery of Acupoints and Combinations with Potential to Treat Vascular Dementia: A Data Mining Analysis

Figure 5

(a) Network structure of acupoints for the treatment of VaD. Blue nodes (Community A) are all Jing-Well acupoints. Yellow nodes (Community B) are all acupoints on the face and head. Most green nodes (Community C) are acupoints on four limbs. Most purple nodes (Community D) are acupoints belonging to Governor Vessel. Most red nodes (Community E) are specific acupoints or acupoints with specific therapeutic effects, and only this community contains Bach-Shu acupoints and acupoints on the abdomen. Acupoints within the same community are more densely connected with each other than acupoints from different communities. (b) 19-core network. There are 28 acupoints in the 19-core network. They are core acupoints in the treatment of VaD.
(a) Network structure of acupoints for the treatment of VaD
(b) 19-core network