Research Article

Berberine Reduces Neurotoxicity Related to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Rats

Table 4

Mean levels of insulin and glucose levels in the blood and brain tissues in control, NASH, and berberine treated groups.

GroupsInsulin (pg/L)Glucose (mg/dL)HOMA-IRInsulin (pg/l0 g)Glucose (mg/10 g)

Control10.2 ± 1.178 ± 2.91.9 ± 0.0073.5 ± 0.25.3 ± 0.4
Berberine control9.9 ± 0.260 ± 3.21.5 ± 0.0093.2 ± 0.25.1 ± 0.1
NASH group20 ± 1.9180 ± 128.9 ± 0.110.2 ± 0.91.2 ± 0.2
Berberine treatment10.1 ± 0.790 ± 8.42.2 ± 0.0044.9 ± 0.15.3 ± 0.5

The superscript letter A: the parameters that were measured in the blood.
The superscript letter B: the parameters that were measured in the brain tissues.
Values are reported as means ± SD of rat groups with different degrees of significance at .
Lowest value of significance.
Highest value of significance.
If two groups have the same letters, it means no significant difference is detected.