Research Article

Effects of a Proprietary Standardized Orthosiphon stamineus Ethanolic Leaf Extract on Enhancing Memory in Sprague Dawley Rats Possibly via Blockade of Adenosine A2A Receptors

Table 6

Effect of O. stamineus (BT 00119), P. minus (PM 00012), G. biloba (GBE 00110), and donepezil on recognition index with respect to duration of interactions in social recognition test in the SD rats.

Treatment (mg/kg)
p.o./i.p., immediately after C1
Investigation duration (seconds)C2 versus C1Recognition index (C2/C1)
RouteFirst contact (C1) Second contact (C2) 120 min after C1
Mean ± SEM valueMean ± SEM value valueMean ± SEM value

Vehiclep.o.22.00 ± 11.5925.00 ± 13.00.17771.107 ± 0.20
BT 00119 (200)p.o.28.67 ± 5.360.314614.33 ± 8.510.26560.12730.5033 ± 0.240.0661
BT 00119 (300)p.o.57.33 ± 7.530.031514.33 ± 2.900.23480.01190.2400 ± 0.020.0068
BT 00119 (600)p.o.71.00 ± 7.810.01248.333 ± 1.850.13740.00510.1133 ± 0.0170.0042
PME 00012 (200)p.o.48.67 ± 6.880.059531.00 ± 5.680.34750.14190.6833 ± 0.180.0986
GBE 00110 (120)p.o.52.67 ± 5.690.038233.67 ± 2.840.27590.07750.6600 ± 0.110.0651
Donepezil (3)i.p.30.67 ± 1.200.249218.33 ± 4.330.32660.06210.5500 ± 0.110.0593
BT 00119 (60)i.p.26.67 ± 4.800.36448.667 ± 5.230.15500.18010.3867 ± 0.280.0539
BT 00119 (120)i.p.51.00 ± 2.510.035414.00 ± 2.510.22720.01360.2733 ± 0.050.0086

p.o. = per oral, i.p. = intraperitoneal, and SEM = standard error mean.
indicates the significance of first contact in comparison with vehicle control for all groups.
and indicate the significance in comparing the change in activity before and after treatment.
and indicate the significant changes of RI when compared with vehicle control.