Research Article

Cerebral Activity Changes in Different Traditional Chinese Medicine Patterns of Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction Patients

Figure 1

The differences in cerebral activities between psychogenic ED patients with different TCM patterns. (a) The differences in cerebral activities between psychogenic ED patients and HS. Compared to HS, psychogenic ED patients showed abnormal cerebral activity in brainstem, cerebellum, basal ganglia, and multiple limbic regions including insula, MCC, PFC, parahippocampal gyrus, and parietal, temporal lobes. (, a minimal cluster size of 50 voxels). (b) The differences in cerebral activities between ED patients with different TCM patterns. The brain regions associated with emotion modulation such as cerebellum, OFC, ACC, and MCC are the main different brain areas between psychogenic ED patients with kidney-yang deficiency pattern and liver-qi stagnation and spleen deficiency pattern (, a minimal cluster size of 50 voxels).