Research Article

Perspectives on the Market Globalization of Korean Herbal Manufacturers: A Company-Based Survey

Table 3

Perceived important elements for the development of Korea’s herbal industries.

ManufacturersCompany no.Trust-buildingPolitical supportR&D investmentAdvertisement/public relationsLegislative support value

Dietary supplement manufacturing group
Ginseng product manufacturers18679 (42.3)92 (49.2)46 (24.9)99 (53.4)12 (6.3)0.0048
Herbal drink manufacturers10833 (30.9)36 (33.6)41 (38.2)50 (46.4)13 (11.8)
Herb extract manufacturers64 17 (26.0)18 (28.0)23 (36.0)27 (42.0)0 (0.0)
Herbal medicine manufacturing group
Traditional herbal medicine manufacturers11130 (26.6)35 (31.7)28 (25.2)48 (43.2)16 (14.4)0.0395
Conventional herbal medicine manufacturers12 4 (36.4)2 (18.2)5 (45.5)1 (9.1)5 (45.5)
Personal care product manufacturing group
Herbal cosmetics manufacturers6528 (43.6)13 (20.5)27 (41.0)23 (35.9)5 (7.7) 0.4987
Herbal sanitizer manufacturers214 (18.2)2 (9.1)10 (45.5)8 (36.4)2 (9.1)

Note. The questions allowed for multiple answers. The values are the numbers (percentages) of participants.
value using chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables; values with statistical significance are presented in bold.