Research Article

Ethnomedicinal Plants Used by Traditional Healers to Treat Oral Health Problems in Cameroon

Table 3

Medicinal plants used for the management of oral problems.

Common namesScientific namesParts usedForms of preparationDiseases treatedMethod of administration

(1)Acalypha sp.LeavesBoilToothacheGargling
(2)Coleus blumeiLeavesPasteSore mouth and toothacheBrushing
(3)Sida rhombofricaWholeChewing stick and mouth rinseToothacheGargling/brushing
(4)Chenopodium ambrosioidesWholePasteToothachePlacing on painful tooth
(5) Masungā€‰SeedsPasteToothacheDirecting the smoke from melted paste into the mouth
(6) AtuiAncistrocladus abbreviatusBarkBoiled barkToothacheCalm down pain after mouth rinse
(7) Bird eye viewAspilia africanaWholePasteDry mouth and toothacheBrushing
(8) Bitter leavesVernonia amygdalinaLeavesSolutionToothacheGargling
(9) Blue verbenaStachytarphetaā€‰
Leaves DeconctionToothacheMouth rinse
(10) Castor beanRicinus communisLeavesSolutionToothacheGargling
(11) Clue de geof (clove)Syzygium aromaticumDried fruitsWet pasteToothachePain reliever
(12) CoconutCocos nuciferaShell and rootsPowder and whole rootsToothache and tooth sensitivityDirect application and boil and gaggle
(13) Cola nut treeCola nitidaBark and fruitSolution and pasteSore mouth and toothacheDirect application and gargling
(14) Bitter kolaGarcinia kolaBark and seedsMouth rinse and grinded pasteToothache and mouth thrushGargling paste applied by rubbing on sore areas
(15) DibobonjiAlchornea cordifoliaStem/barkBoilToothacheMouthwash
(16) EsambaPycnanthus angolensisStem, bark, and leavesDeconctionToothacheMouth rinse
(17) Eucalyptus treeEucalyptus salignaLeavesSolution/pasteHalitosis, toothache, and TMJ joint painGargling
(18) Eye fowlSpilanthes africana (Asteraceae)Flower budsWhole partsMouth odor, broken teeth or jaws, and toothacheChew fresh or dry until peppery taste is felt
Direct application to the cavity for toothache
(19) GarlicAllium sativumRootPasteGingivitis/toothacheDirect application
(20) Guava leavesPsidium guajavaLeavesHot mouth rinseToothache and mouth ulcerCalm down pain and wound healing
(21) Long pepperCapsicum frutescensFruitsPasteToothache and oral candidaMouth rinse/gaggling
(22) MaizeZea maizeWholePowderMouth lesions and bullous lesionBrushing
(23) Mango plant Mangifera indicaBark and root/leavesSolutionToothache/soft tissue inflammationGargling
(24) MedmekubeAcmella caurlirhizaFruitsPasteToothache and abscessMaceration
(25) MoringaMoringa oleiferaRootDecoctionToothacheMouth rinse
(26) NjansangRicinodendron heudelotiiSeedsPasteToothacheApply directly
(27) Pawpaw Carica papayaLeaf latex and leafSolutionToothache, mouth sores, sore throat, and thrushGargling
(28) Peace plantDracaena diesteliana RootSolutionToothacheHarvest fresh boil and gargle
(29) Pear treePersea americanaSeed and barkDeconcoctionToothacheGaggling of hot solution
(30) Sun flowerArnica montanaLeavesSolutionToothacheGargling
(31) Sweet potatoIpomoea batatasFresh leavesWet pasteAcute toothache/inflammationDirect application
(32) Tobacco Nicotinia tobacumDried or fresh leavesPowder or wet pastePowder for toothache and paste for tooth bleachingDirect application of powder into cavity to arrest caries or mummify pulp tissue
Direct application of fresh squeezed paste to bleach teeth