Research Article

Influence of Biomedical Factors on the Five Viscera Score (FVS) on Middle-Aged and Elderly Individuals: Application of Structural Equation Modeling

Table 4

The effects on viscera from biomedical factors.

Subscale Item Path coefficient value GFI AGFI RMSEA

Liver Sex*0.273<0.001 0.182 0.898 0.830 0.117
Age −0.041 0.577
HbA1c −0.179 0.015
Diastolic blood pressure*0.178 0.016
HCRP 0.157 0.033
HDL-C*−0.131 0.075

Heart Sex 0.085 0.269 0.026 0.975 0.924 0.086
Age−0.136 0.079

Spleen Sex 0.172 0.012 0.348 0.811 0.716 0.174
Age −0.129 0.059
GLU*−0.223 0.001
BMI 0.172 0.012
Diastolic blood pressure 0.156 0.023
HCRP 0.131 0.054

Lung Sex −0.024 0.789 0.155 0.967 0.940 0.042
LDL-C 0.150 0.101
BMI*0.188 0.042
HCRP*0.181 0.050

Kidney Sex −0.004 0.955 0.092 0.900 0.821 0.142
Age 0.016 0.841
HbA1c*−0.193 0.016
Ccr*0.153 0.057
HCRP 0.176 0.028

Gender and age were forcibly included.
*The item by which the biomedical factors’ effects on viscera are characterized.
The value of path coefficient was used for standardized estimates.