Research Article

Trigger Point Dry Needling and Proprioceptive Exercises for the Management of Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 1

Baseline demographics for both groups.

Proprioceptive/strengthening ()TrP-DN + proprioceptive/strengthening () value

Gender (male/female)7/68/6;
Age (years)33.4 ± 2.833.0 ± 2.4;
Months with instability of the condition8.9 ± 1.39.2 ± 1.8;
Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool score18.2 ± 2.417.9 ± 2.1;
FAAM-ADL subscale (0–100)87.3 ± 5.983.9 ± 8.2;
FAAM-SPORTS subscale (0–100)73.0 ± 13.971.6 ± 16.4;
Ankle pain intensity (0–10)5.5 ± 0.95.8 ± 1.1;

Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation; FAAM: Foot and Ankle Ability Measure.