Research Article

“Like Walking into an Empty Room”: Effects of Eurythmy Therapy on Stress Perception in Comparison with a Sports Intervention from the Subjects’ Perspective—A Qualitative Study

Table 1

Categories for level of stress before the study (Question 2)

() Excessive stressors
(i) Combination of numerous demands and pressures through career, looking after children, household, professional development courses, freelance work, or home construction.
(ii) Having to manage too many projects at the same time (too many irons in the fire).
(iii) No longer able to cope with the pressure.
Yes, a kind of subjective feeling of not being able to cope with all the demands at the same time, in my private life and in my job, although I can’t say that there’s any concrete pressure from anywhere that I could actually name, it’s more just everything together, the fullness of the day you might say.” (m22876a3)
“I was totally tense and almost dreaded every new task I had to deal with, whether it was just a simple everyday matter or a new project at work, because I notice that I can’t stand any more pressure, and I felt totally stressed, well actually almost on the brink.” (w14672a3)
“Always stress. But then maybe I also create it myself, hectic, always on the go but not so that I would say “I’m stressed out” and burst into tears, it’s not like that. I think I need it too” (m08563b2)

() Work-related stressors
(i) Too long working hours (two jobs) or shifts that go against the body’s natural rhythms.
(ii) High (physical) demands (noise at school; high level of customer contact).
(iii) Uncertainty through time-limited employment.
(iv) Various work projects with colliding time schedules.
(v) Taking on responsibility as team leader.
(vi) Difficulty getting on with colleagues (dominant colleagues; relationship problems with colleagues).
It’s an ongoing problem with me, stress I suppose, also sort of a kind of eustress, I’m not a very calm sort of person, always in action and yes, I try to learn to handle it, handle it better, so that I don’t end up with exhaustion, which has often happened in the past.” (w03471b1)
“Actually it’s usually rather high, through the customer meetings which then often don’t go in the right direction and then of course I don’t get anywhere with the customer. Yes, it’s the work is very nice but it does involve very strenuous meetings, …” (w23065b3)
“Well I did have quite a strong feeling of stress, all of a sudden I had a study that I had to analyse, with 5000 variables and then I also had another study for which I am actually employed and have a contract, but because of this other study I had to as it were postpone the work, and that led to stress.” (m12182b2)
“Well the problem is that there are just too many things in my life that are important to me and so …so I find it difficult to put the focus on any one thing. Well, so there’s uni, 2 children, working 2 days, although I find the work incredibly fulfilling. (…) I don’t really experience it as stress because it gives me a lot and well it’s a vocation really. But then altogether it is stress because I can’t do things which I could be doing during that time. (…) But there are only 24 hours in a day. My flat gets more and more chaotic and actually I spend a lot of time getting things sorted “inside me”. Actually, I could say that I haven’t got the time to study and work.” (w06375a1)

() Own beliefs and attitudes
(i) Feeling of being under too much pressure.
(ii) Inability to recognize one’s own limits early enough.
(iii) Feeling unable to cope with the demands.
(iv) Desire to do everything perfectly.
(v) Attribution of the excessive pressure to the amount of work.
(vi) Feeling of not wanting to miss anything.
“Well, that varies, I mean there are days when I can cope with it well, with stress, but sometimes I also notice that I get into a sort of pattern, that I find it difficult to distance myself from it, that then in a job one job has to be done after another without stopping for breath, then I notice that I get caught up in it too, well yes I think it is a high level of stress.” (w03064a1)
“I felt relatively stressed, although I, I mean I really should say that I always create the stress myself. I mean I haven’t really got that much stress at work, that I always run around or have a lot of stress privately, ok my mother’s death maybe, I create a lot of stress for myself too, that I think everything has to be perfect.” (w04108a1)
“Significant, or substantial. Well I did feel rushed, from one appointment to the next, things like that, so that sometimes I just didn’t have the time to calm down, although I had already done 2 or 3 relaxation techniques before”. (w05367a2)

() Family conflicts
Insoluble family problems which dominate one’s whole life are perceived as stress; this includes seemingly insoluble problems with one’s own parents or problems which have been pushed aside too long. Being prevented from continuing on one’s own path can be perceived as stress.And then a relatively large amount of stress privately too, when there were sometimes these unsolvable conflicts, when I noticed that that throws me off course, that it’s too much.” (w06779a1)

Changes in perception in the eurythmy group

() Integration of mind and body through the combination of speech, breathing, and movement
The combination of speech and movement enabled the participants to create a connection between their cognitive attitude and their bodily perception. Through visualisation these body images can be summoned up again and lead to changed behaviour in everyday situations.“I find this combination of movement and speech much better than if you only have one or the other.” (w24264a3)
“…because it’s also easy to incorporate movements in your everyday life and even if it’s not the movements, then the sentences which were spoken there, and that they just stay inside you and that you can make that clear to yourself again and again, that there’s a different way of doing things and that you just have to become aware of it when you’re racing along in the fast lane like that, and that you can also reduce speed again now and again.” (w17669a3)
Reducing speed in everyday life expands the space for one’s own perception. Breathing can be perceived as a relevant mediator. Participants usually notice that their breathing is too shallow; deeper breathing is perceived as helpful and brings relief and permits calmness.Yes, I’ve noticed a behaviour pattern, that I do everything relatively quickly, that’s my behaviour pattern, I’ve become aware of that, I didn’t notice that before.” (w03064a1) 
I learned from the therapy to really consciously breathe now and again, breathe in and out, that life is not so hard after all. I mean this listening to yourself and then you can wind down better and you’re calmer somehow…”

Creating a personal (inner) space
Perception of the felt body though expansion of the material body by its subjective dimension
The exercises make it possible to intensify the perception of the body and permit a greater consciousness of physical processes and thus of the stress symptoms.
Recognizing how difficult it can be to get away from (negative) emotions. The exercises provide the participants with a tool which makes it is easier to distance themselves inwardly from things that usually irritate them. The improved self-perception makes it possible to take a step back and look at the situation, creates space for appropriate appraisal, and extends the options for action. The inner appraisal increases tolerance towards others.
Through the movements I can intensify my sensations and thus increase my awareness for myself and my body and my state. When I notice that I’m losing my grip on something, I’m going to try and remember that” (w20773a3)
“The exercises have already sort of stayed in my body. If you do them often then it’s sort of always there with you and I think once, I wasn’t feeling so good, then I did the exercise in my mind while I was cycling and then I felt better… and if you do that often then your body remembers.” (w17074a3)
“…not letting other people get so close to you so that you don’t get emotional” (w09280a1). “There are exercises that I have in my head” (w01166a1)
“Well, behaviour patterns, that I find it hard to let go of my anger, that there probably must be some sort of incentive, like these exercises, I mean that I have to decide consciously to do an exercise like that, now I’ll let go of that, and afterwards you have a good feeling which you wouldn’t have had if you had just let things go on.” (w01061a1)
“…more an awareness that I’m so fidgety and do not radiate calm, I’d like to change that” (w24164a3)
“Combination of rest and movement, finding balance between rest and movement, tension and relaxation, being able to direct your thoughts inwards and outwards, being mindful of yourself and being mindful of others, and finding the right balance between the two.” (w04180a1). “The ability to feel exactly where I stand at a particular moment: at rest or in action, and then also to consciously deal with it and be able to shape it” (w24964a3)

Achieving a new balance between the internal and external worlds
The more conscious awareness of one’s own body makes it possible to distinguish more consciously between self and other and draw boundaries between the two. One is no longer so other-directed. Doing the exercises in a group allows the participants to recognize their own behaviour or see it mirrored.“That you can leave others their rhythm and still stay with yourself and be aware of your own rhythm” (w10177a2)
“…the coming and going of the rhythm of life, breathing in, breathing out, letting in and letting go, not holding on to things” (w10366a2)
“Yes, I find it very exciting, when you’re together in a group of people who all come with the same symptoms, I mean stress, (…) but in watching the group I recognized things in myself and that was exciting, to see it from the outside like that, that really helped me, I must say.” (w24264a3)

Perceiving new options for action
The ability to break out of the victim role and assume responsibility for one’s own perceptions and reactions. This ability leads to the perception of new options for action and thus generates a freedom of choice of which the participants were not previously aware.“Keeping calm in the movement so that I still have the freedom of choice even when there’s a lot going on, not becoming a victim of the circumstances and the demands but assuming responsibility for the situation myself at every moment.” (w24783a3)

Perception of changes in the step aerobics group

More zest for life, tranquility, and relaxation
Movement helps to wind down when you are angry. Movement relaxes and creates distance; you can see things more calmly.Well I’m more laid back about things, I can definitely say that, if I can’t change things I just have to accept them, there’s a solution for everything.” (w02766b1)
“Relaxed afterwards, I mean not tired, that you felt emotionally strengthened again, went home in good spirits and your head was clear.” (w03471b1)
Concentration improves the ability to relaxI wasn’t aware that I couldn’t concentrate properly at all, but that that is important so as to be able to switch off properly again and relax” (w16263b2)
Participating in the study increased the motivation to take up sport again.
The active exercises made it possible to regain a feeling of lightness and carefreeness and thus had a beneficial effect, in contrast to passive wellness activities such as massage.
The sport made the participants feel good and was experienced as fun and was also experienced as relaxing in the group.
“…sport is an exaggeration, but getting a bit of exercise and stretching and things like that, and I’ve taken a bit of that home with me” (w22059b3)
“…yes, it was simply a good feeling because it was also fun. If it didn’t go so well at the beginning and at the end it did, then it was worth the effort.” (w25467b3)
“Yes, exactly, I was sort of in my own world during these exercises. I’m amiable, I mean I remembered my childhood, when you sort of skipped around without a care and simply enjoyed life.” (m23065b3)

No fundamental change in the perception of stress
The intervention did not bring about any fundamental changes in the stress perception. During the exercises you can feel good and relax but they do not bring any lasting relief. The problems are still there.“Well more a sense of physical well-being, but that your head is cleared of the problems and thoughts: no” (m05582b1)
There was even one participant who experienced doing the exercises as an additional stress factor. Participants who do sport regularly experienced no reduction in stress.“No, not really. Well the sport business was always very relaxing, but generally now, work still stays in the way as an obstacle.” (m05976b1)
“Not at all, I mean nothing positive. It’s just as stressful as before at work.” (m26061b2)
“Well anything that looks like step aerobics (…) is horror for me” (w166161b2).
The group situation leads to a certain feeling of being under observation. However, the pleasant group atmosphere in which no-one is judged is perceived as positive; however, participants denied any change with regard to the perception of stress.“Not really. I mean in the group there is the group effect too, whether you’re keeping up or not, or whether you’re are sort doing it a lot worse than the others or whether that’s ok, that’s always the thing in a group, (...).  The atmosphere was so friendly. You didn’t have the feeling that you might be a failure or something like that, no.” (w23761b1)