Research Article

Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure: Three-Stage Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 1

Databases search strategies.

DatabasesSearch terms

CNKI[(Mesh terms = heart failure) OR (Title = chronic heart failure) OR (Keywords = chronic heart failure)] AND [(Mesh terms = syndrome) OR (Keywords = syndrome)]

CBM(Mesh terms = chronic heart failure OR Mesh terms = CHF OR Mesh terms = chronic congestive heart failure OR Mesh terms = chronic cardiac insufficiency) and ((Mesh terms = syndrome) or (Mesh terms = traditional Chinese medicine))

VIP((Title or keywords: chronic cardiac insufficiency) OR (Title or keywords: CHF) OR (Title or keywords: chronic heart failure) OR (Title or keywords: chronic congestive heart failure)) AND (Title or keywords: syndrome) AND (Title or keywords: symptom) AND (Medicine and health) AND (All Periodicals) AND (Year: 1994–2008)