Review Article

Mediators, Receptors, and Signalling Pathways in the Anti-Inflammatory and Antihyperalgesic Effects of Acupuncture

Table 1

Effects of electroacupuncture and manual acupuncture on inflammatory signalling pathways and receptors.

Author and yearModelEA/acupAcupuncture pointsEffectThermal hyperalgesiaMechanical allodyniaOedema

Huang et al.
2004 [10]
CFA hind paw FSD rats EA 100 Hz (B) ST 36, SP 6No effectReduced

Huang et al.
2008 [11]
CFA hind paw FSD ratsEA 100 Hz(B) ST 36, SP 6Reduced thermal hyperalgesia and increased EA tolerance
EA effects abolished by high dose Naloxone suggesting dynorphin mediation

Su et al.
2011 [12]
CFA hind paw MSD ratsEA 2 Hz(I) GB 30, GB 34Increased POMC and β-END expression in keratinocytes, macrophages, and T-lymphocytes in inflamed skin via activation of CB2 cannabinoid receptorsReduced Reduced

Zhang et al.
2012 [13]
CFA hind paw ratsEA 10 HzGB 30Suppressed spinal IL-17 and p-NR1Reduced Reduced

Shou et al.
2013 [14]
CFA hind paw MSD ratsEA 2 Hz
EA 100 Hz
ST 36, BL 60Increased CB1 expression with upregulation of D1 and D2 expression in striatumReduced

Fang et al.
2013 [5]
CFA hind paw MSD ratsEA 2/100 Hz alt(B) ST 36, BL 60Inhibition of p38/MAPK/ATF-2/TRPV1 pathway producing downregulation of TRPV1 in spinal dorsal hornReduced Reduced
only at day 14

Fang et al.
2014 [15]
CFA hind paw MSD ratsEA 2/100 Hz alt(B) ST 36, BL 60Inhibited ERK1/2-COX-2 and ERK1/2-CREB-NK-1 pathway Downregulated NK-1 hence inhibiting SPReduced

Wang et al.
2013 [9]
CFA hind paw M Wistar ratsEA 100 Hz (B) GB 30EA effects suppressed by opiate antagonists naloxone and natrindoleReduced Reduced Reduced

Wang et al.
2014 [16]
CFA hind paw M Wistar ratsEA 100 Hz(B) GB 30TNF-α and IL-1β downregulated,
IL-13 upregulated, and IL-1α and IL-4 unchanged
IFN-γ up-regulated stimulating CXCL10 increasing CXCR3+ macrophages
Reduced Reduced

Du et al.
2014 [4]
CFA hind paw MSD ratsEA 2/100 Hz alt(B) ST 36, BL 60Inhibited JNK1/2 and COX-2 but not TRPV1Reduced No effect

Chen et al.
2011 [17]
Carrageenan & CFA hind paw CDI miceEA 2 HzST 36Decreased overexpression of ASIC3 in DRGReduced

Huang et al.
2013 [18]
Carrageenan & CFA hind paw F ICR miceEA 2 HzST 36Decreased expression of sodium voltage-gated channels Nav 1.7 and Nav 1.8 but not Nav 1.9 in DRGReduced Reduced

Kim et al.
2012 [19]
Carrageenan hind paw MSD ratsEA 2/100 Hz alt(B) ST 36, SP 6Inhibition of p-PI3K blocked trkA/PI3K/PIP3/Akt pathwayReduced Reduced

da Silva et al. 2015 [20]Carrageenan gastrocnemius C57BL/6 miceManual acupSP 6Increased IL-10 in inflamed muscle
Induced a phenotypic switch from M1 to M2 macrophages in inflamed muscle
Reduced Reduced Reduced

Kim et al.
2009 [21]
Capsaicin hind paw
MSD rats
EA 2 Hz (I) SI 3, TE 8
(GB 30, GB 34; BL 40, BL 60; GV 2, GV 6; LI 3, LI 6)
SI 3 & TE 8 effective, but other point combinations were not
Secondary (but nor primary) hyperalgesia is mediated by MOR and DOR but not KOR or adrenergic receptors
secondary but not primary hyperalgesia

Hwang et al.
2011 [22]
Exp. diabetic neuropathic pain MSD ratsEA 2 Hz
EA 120 Hz
(B) SP 9 or ST 36Decreased cleavage of p35 to p25 hence inhibited p35/p25/Cdk5/MAPK and/or p35/p25/Cdk5/NMDA pathwaysEA 2 Hz reduced;
EA 120 Hz
no effect
EA 2 Hz reduced; EA 120 Hz no effect

Jiang et al.
2013 [23]
SNL MSD ratsEA 2 Hz(I) ST 36, BL 60Downregulated TRPV1 in spinal dorsal horn and reduced CGRPReduced

Lee et al.
2013 [24]
SCI MSD ratsManual acupGV 26, (B) GB 34Inhibited JNK/p-c-Jun in spinal astrocytes
Decreased chemokines MCP-1, MIP-1β, and MIP-3α
Reduced Reduced

Yu et al.
2013 [25]
CCI SD ratsEA 2 Hz
EA 15 Hz
ST 36, GB 34EA reduced ERK1/2 phosphorlylation and P2X3 expression in spinal cordReduced
EA 2 Hz > 15 Hz
EA 2 Hz > 15 Hz

Hsu et al.
2014 [26]
CCI MSD ratsEA 2 Hz
EA 15 Hz
(R) ST 36, ST 37EA increased cerebral TRPV4 but not TRPV1 No change in spinal TRPV4 or TRPV1Reduced Reduced

Wang et al.
2009 [27]
Surgical trauma MSD ratsEA 2/60 Hz alt(B) ST 36, Lanwei (M-LE-13)Suppressed lymphocyte proliferation
Reduced splenic T cells production of Th1 cytokines (IL-2 and IFN-γ) increased Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-10)
Suppressed activity of ERK1/2, p38, NF-κB, and AP-1
Reduced Reduced

EA: electroacupuncture, acup: acupuncture, CFA hind paw: model of inflammation induced by injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant into rats’ hind paws, FSD rats: female Sprague Dawley rats, MSD: male Sprague Dawley rats, alt: alternating, (B): bilateral, (I): ipsilateral, CB: cannabinoid receptor, D: dopamine receptor, TRPV: transient receptor potential vallinoid, proopiomelanocortin, β-END: beta endorphin, p-NR1: phosphorylation of NR1, SP: substance P, CGRP: calcitonin gene-related peptide, NK-1: neurokinin 1 receptor, DRG: dorsal root ganglion, MAPK: mitogen activated protein kinase, ATF-2: activating transcription factor 2, ERK: extracellular-regulated protein kinase, CREB: cAMP response element binding protein, NK-1: neurokinin 1 receptor, JNK: c-jun N terminal kinase, ASIC3: acid sensing ion channel 3, Nav: sodium voltage-gated channels, trkA: tyrosine kinase A, PI3K/PIP3: phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase/phosphatidylinositol phosphate 3 pathway, MOR: Mu opioid receptor, DOR: delta opioid receptor, KOR: kappa opioid receptor, AP-1: activator protein 1, Cdk5: cyclin-dependent kinase 5, and NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate.