Research Article

Prevention and Therapeutic Effects and Mechanisms of Tanshinone IIA Sodium Sulfonate on Acute Liver Injury Mice Model

Figure 4

Effects of TSS pretreatment or treatment on serum HMGB1 and TGF-β levels in D-Gal-exposed mice. Serum HMGB1 (a) and TGF-β (b) levels were determined using ELISA detection kits. Control: mice treated with physiological saline; D-Gal: mice exposed to D-Gal; TSS+D-Gal: mice pretreated with TSS before D-Gal exposure; D-Gal+TSS: mice treated with TSS; D-Gal+TSS+MI: mice treated with TSS and MI after D-Gal exposure. Data were expressed as mean ± SD, n = 6. < 0.01 compared with the D-Gal group; < 0.05 compared with the D-Gal group, using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s analysis; < 0.05 compared with the control group using Student’s -test.