Research Article

Effect of Aurantii Fructus Immaturus Flavonoid on the Contraction of Isolated Gastric Smooth Muscle Strips in Rats

Table 1

AFIF’s action on the mean contractile frequency of ALSMS (mean ± SD).

AdministrationMean contractile frequency
(beat per minute, BPM)

NS (control)96.26 ± 0.60
AFIF, 3 μg/mL96.39 ± 0.97
AFIF, 30 μg/mL96.03 ± 0.49
AFIF, 300 μg/mL95.88 ± 0.75
AFIF, 3000 μg/mL95.96 ± 1.23
AFIF, 6000 μg/mL95.69 ± 0.81
AFIF, 10000 μg/mL95.46 ± 0.88