Research Article

In Vivo Wound Healing Activity of Abrus cantoniensis Extract

Table 2

Effect of the EA fraction formulated in ointment on the percentage of wound contraction.

Treatment period (day)

0.2 w/v nitrofurazone58.46 ± 12.0574.62 ± 7.1582.23 ± 7.2592.73 ± 4.28
10% EA fraction47.38 ± 19.2157.85 ± 14.8571.08 ± 8.2185.54 ± 7.00
5% EA fraction53.35 ± 8.1266.14 ± 9.4183.93 ± 9.1694.48 ± 3.04
Simple ointment44.04 ± 7.6356.96 ± 5.5870.71 ± 8.2084.92 ± 5.84

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