Research Article

Veratri Nigri Rhizoma et Radix (Veratrum nigrum L.) and Its Constituent Jervine Prevent Adipogenesis via Activation of the LKB1-AMPKα-ACC Axis In Vivo and In Vitro

Figure 6

Effect of VN on AMPKα pathway-related factors in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. (a) The mRNA expression level of SIRT1 was measured by the Real-Time RT-PCR assay. (b) The expressions of p-AMPKα, p-ACCα, and p-LKB1 were measured using a Western blot assay. (c) The effects of VN on the AMPKα modulation when administered with AMPK activator AICAR or AMPK inhibitor Compound C were evaluated by a Western blot assay. AMPKα was used as an endogenous control for p-AMPKα measurement. GAPDH was used as an endogenous control. EGCG was used as a positive control. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. of three or more experiments. versus MDI-uninduced preadipocytes, , and versus MDI-induced adipocytes.