Research Article

Evaluation of a Standardized Extract from Morus alba against α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Effect and Postprandial Antihyperglycemic in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial

Figure 6

Changes in blood glucose levels after breakfast (a) and lunch (c). Area under the blood glucose concentration curve was measured over 120 min after breakfast (b) and lunch (d) (AUC, 120 min). Exp. A: standardized extract of M. alba intake group, patients with impaired fasting glucose. Exp. B: noncoated rice intake group, patients with impaired fasting glucose. Nor. A: standardized extract of M. alba intake group-control. Nor. B: noncoated rice intake group-control. Different letters in the same time indicate significant differences, . versus Exp. B and Nor. B, respective group.