Research Article

Roles of Nitric Oxide and Prostaglandins in the Sustained Antihypertensive Effects of Acanthospermum hispidum DC. on Ovariectomized Rats with Renovascular Hypertension

Figure 3

Prolonged treatment with ESAH restores vascular reactivity in MVBs from 2K1C plus OVT-rats. Effects of ACh (3, 10, and 30 pmol; (a)), SNP (3, 10, and 30 pmol; (b)), or PHE (3, 10, and 30 nmol; (c)) on the perfusion pressure of the MVBs from normotensive (Sham) or 2K1C plus OVT-rats in the presence or absence of prolonged treatment with ESAH (30, 100, 300 mg/kg), ENAL (15 mg/kg), or HCTZ (25 mg/kg). Values in panel are expressed as mean ± SEM of 5 experiments. indicates compared with the perfusion pressure in Sham-operated rats. All experiments were performed in endothelium-intact preparations. ACh: acetylcholine; ENAL: enalapril; HCTZ: hydrochlorothiazide; SNP: sodium nitroprusside; OVT: ovariectomy; PHE: phenylephrine.