Research Article

Roles of Nitric Oxide and Prostaglandins in the Sustained Antihypertensive Effects of Acanthospermum hispidum DC. on Ovariectomized Rats with Renovascular Hypertension

Figure 6

ESAH induces vasodilatory response in MVBs from normotensive and 2K1C plus OVT-rats. Effects of ESAH (0.001, 0.003, and 0.01 mg) on the perfusion pressure of the MVBs from normotensive (b) and 2K1C plus OVT-rats (d), perfused with physiological saline solution containing 3-μM phenylephrine (PHE). Trace recording of the MVBs pressure showing the effects of the administration of acetylcholine and ESAH in normotensive (a) and 2K1C plus OVT-rats (c). Values in panel are expressed as mean ± SEM of 5 experiments. indicates compared with the perfusion pressure recorded before ESAH. indicates compared with the previous dose. All experiments were performed in endothelium-intact preparations.