Review Article

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Baduanjin Qigong for Health Benefits: Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 2

PEDro scales of included randomized controlled trials.

StudyEligibility criteriaRandom
Concealed allocationSimilar at baselineSubject blindedTherapists blindedAssessor blinded<15% dropoutIntention-to-treat analysisBetween-group comparisonsPoints measures and variabilityTotal

Li et al., 2015111100111118/10
Wang, 2011110100111117/10
Y. Liu et al., 2012110100100115/10
Hu and Gu, 2014110100010115/10
Liu et al., 2014110100110116/10
Xiu, 2015110100111117/10
Li et al., 2014110100111117/10
Chan et al., 2014110100111117/10
Wang et al., 2009110100100115/10
Xiao and Zhuang, 2016110100111117/10
Chen et al., 2012110100111117/10
Li et al., 2014110100100115/10
Zheng et al., 2014110100010115/10
Qiu et al., 2014110100011116/10
Zhai et al., 2013110100011116/10
An et al., 2008110100000114/10
A. L. Liu et al., 2012110100111117/10
Pan and Feng, 2010110100011116/10
Qin, 2012110100011116/10

0 = does not meet the criteria; 1 = meet the criteria. Criteria (without eligibility criteria) were used to calculate the total PEDro score.