Research Article

Chemicals Compositions, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cynara scolymus Leaves Extracts, and Analysis of Major Bioactive Polyphenols by HPLC

Table 8

Effects of Cynara scolymus leaves extract and Indomethacin on CAT, SOD, GSH, AOPP, and MDA activities in carrageenan induced paw oedema.

GroupsCAT (μmoles CAT/min/mg protein)SOD (unit SOD/min/mg protein)GSH (nmoles/mg protein)MDA (nmol MDA/mg protein)AOPP (nmol/mg protein)

Control47 ± 213.1 ± 4.342.1 ± 1.223.4 ± 548.4 ± 4.3
Carr16.2 ±15.3 ±13.1 ±31.4 ±67.9 ±
Carr + Indo (10 mg/kg/bw)64.9 ±24.0 ±70.3 ±20.9 ±44.2 ±
Carr + ALE
(400 mg/kg/bw)
56.5 ±20.7 ±75.6 ±20.8 ±50.2 ±

Values represent means ± SD () in each group. , , and .
: compared to control; : compared to Carr; : compared to Carr + Indo.
SOD: superoxide dismutase.
CAT: catalase.
GSH: glutathione peroxidase.
MDA: Malondialdehyde.
AOPP: Advanced Oxidation Protein Product.