Research Article

Bletilla striata Micron Particles Function as a Hemostatic Agent by Promoting Rapid Blood Aggregation

Table 1

Major absorptions in IR spectra of BSMPs of different sizes.

BSMP (μm)Assignment
Frequency (cm−1)

33993399339933873387O–H and N–H group stretching
28902890289028902890C–H stretching
17351736173617361736C=O stretching
16471647164716501648COO– stretching and C=C aromatic skeletal vibration
15141514151415141514Aromatic skeletal stretching
14311431142914311429CH3 and CH symmetric bending
13771379137913791379CH3 and CH symmetric bending
13191317131513151316C–N stretching
12391243124412431242C–O stretching
11511150115011501150C–O stretching
10781075106510751075C–O stretching
10311030103010311031C–O stretching
896895895895895C–H stretching out of plane of aromatic ring
811811811811811C–H stretching out of plane of aromatic ring
614614614614614O–H bending