Research Article

Ginger Ingredients Alleviate Diabetic Prostatic Complications: Effect on Oxidative Stress and Fibrosis

Figure 1

Photomicrographs show comparison between ventral prostate of control (a, c, e) and diabetic rats (b, d, f). Prostatic ductules (Pd) in control rats (a) were adhered together with minimal interductal spaces (IS) and had thick walls but in diabetic rats (b) their walls were relatively thin with marked irregular outlines (H&E ×40). Interductal spaces (IS) were wider in diabetic rats (d) and filled with connective tissue (CT) while, in control rats (c), connective tissue (CT) was a little amount between ductules (Masson’s trichrome ×40). Most of epithelial cells in control rats (e) were columnar cells (arrows) while in diabetic rats (f) they were cuboidal (arrow) and even flat cells (arrow head). Secretions (stars) were darkly stained in control rats (e) and lightly stained in diabetic rats (f) (H&E ×400).