Research Article

Transient Expression of Lumbrokinase (PI239) in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Using a Geminivirus-Based Single Replicon System Dissolves Fibrin and Blood Clots

Figure 2

Expression of PI239 in leaves resulted in necrosis 3 days after infiltration. (a) Leaf necrosis (R) and under the UV light (L) of a hand-held lamp. (b) Electrolyte leakage assay for membrane damage. GFP: pBY030.2R (geminivirus-based single replicon system containing green fluorescence protein); 4404: A. tumefaciens LBA4404 strain only; MES: infiltration solution only; WT: pBYR-WT-PI239; OP: pBYR-LPH-OP-PI239. Values represent the means ± SE. Different letters indicate significant differences (; ; one-way ANOVA test).