Review Article

Effects of Acupuncture on Alzheimer’s Disease in Animal-Based Research

Table 1

Acupoint targets of EA and MA for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). GV14 and GV20 single-point EA stimulation and multipoint EA stimulation of BL23, GV26, and EX-HN3 have been preclinically studied for the treatment of AD. Single-point MA stimulation of GV20, ST36, and HT7 has also been evaluated in rodent models of AD.

AD modelAcupointFrequencyAction mechanism

EASAMP8 [1416]GV14, BL23−2 Hz, 1 mAAMPK ↑, SIRT1, PGC1a ↓
Aβ1-40 injection [17, 24]GV20, BL23−20 Hz, 2 mA
−2 Hz, 1 mA
Bcl2 ↑, BAX ↓, Notch ↓
PPAR-gamma ↑,
p-p38MAPK ↓
SAMP8 [18]GV20, GV26, EX-HN3−2 Hz, 0.6 mAGlucose metabolism ↑
APP/PS1 [20, 21, 23]GV20−2/15 Hz, 1 mANDRG2 ↓
BDNF ↑, P75 ↑, pTRK-B ↓

Scopolamine injection [19]GV20BDNF ↑, CREB ↑, cholinergic system ↑
D-Galactose injection [22]ST3660–90 twist/minGlycerol metabolism ↑
D-Galactose injection [25]HT7120–150 twist/minGlucose metabolism ↑