Research Article

The Effect of Three Different Meditation Exercises on Hypertension: A Network Meta-Analysis

Table 4

Network meta-analysis results of systolic blood pressure.

Care−1.09 (−25.00, 22.75)−5.20 (−22.83, 11.64)5.60 (−10.31, 21.37)−9.44 (−29.38, 11.38)−0.66 (−20.66, 19.75)−6.58 (−17.94, 4.58)
1.09 (−22.75, 25.00)Education−4.11 (−29.84, 21.84)6.86 (−18.68, 32.39)−8.04 (−36.95, 20.32)0.59 (−29.23, 30.12)−5.32 (−26.52, 15.87)
5.20 (−11.64, 22.83)4.11 (−21.84, 29.84)Exercise10.85 (−7.61, 29.21)−4.20 (−24.47, 16.31)4.64 (−19.31, 28.84)−1.34 (−15.92, 13.49)
−5.60 (−21.37, 10.31)−6.86 (−32.39, 18.68)−10.85 (−29.21, 7.61)No intervention−14.91 (−30.22, 0.25)−6.29 (−23.92, 11.83)−12.18 (−26.54, 2.32)
9.44 (−11.38, 29.38)8.04 (−20.32, 36.95)4.20 (−16.31, 24.47)14.91 (−0.25, 30.22)Qigong8.67 (−13.94, 31.54)2.79 (−16.31, 21.92)
0.66 (−19.75, 20.66)−0.59 (−30.12, 29.23)−4.64 (−28.84, 19.31)6.29 (−11.83, 23.92)−8.67 (−31.54, 13.94)Tai Chi−5.77 (−26.17, 14.55)
6.58 (−4.58, 17.94)5.32 (−15.87, 26.52)1.34 (−13.49, 15.92)12.18 (−2.32, 26.54)−2.79 (−21.92, 16.31)5.77 (−14.55, 26.17)Yoga