Research Article

The Effect of Three Different Meditation Exercises on Hypertension: A Network Meta-Analysis

Table 5

Network meta-analysis results of diastolic blood pressure.

Care−6.71 (−19.46, 5.97)−5.00 (−14.10, 3.61)3.83 (−4.65, 12.47)−7.96 (−18.65, 3.19)1.12 (−8.93, 11.63)−4.47 (−10.68, 1.62)
6.71 (−5.97, 19.46)Education1.64 (−11.93, 15.49)10.45 (−3.07, 24.24)−1.28 (−16.22, 14.14)7.74 (−7.76, 23.16)2.26 (−8.92, 13.51)
5.00 (−3.61, 14.10)−1.64 (−15.49, 11.93)Exercise8.80 (−0.65, 18.73)−2.94 (−13.17, 7.69)6.06 (−5.70, 18.49)0.58 (−7.17, 8.23)
−3.83 (−12.47, 4.65)−10.45 (−24.24, 3.07)−8.80 (−18.73, 0.65)No intervention−11.73 (−19.85, −3.69)−2.73 (−11.89, 6.53)−8.31 (−15.91, −0.74)
7.96 (−3.19, 18.65)1.28 (−14.14, 16.22)2.94 (−7.69, 13.17)11.73 (3.69, 19.85)Qigong8.99 (−2.63, 21.06)3.46 (−6.81, 13.24)
−1.12 (−11.63, 8.93)−7.74 (−23.16, 7.76)−6.06 (−18.49, 5.70)2.73 (−6.53, 11.89)−8.99 (−21.06, 2.63)Tai Chi−5.55 (−16.20, 4.68)
4.47 (−1.62, 10.68)−2.26 (−13.51, 8.92)−0.58 (−8.23, 7.17)8.31 (0.74, 15.91)−3.46 (−13.24, 6.81)5.55 (−4.68, 16.20)Yoga